Module Rpi.Mem

module Mem: sig .. end

Note. All multi-bytes memory accesses are done in little endian order.


type addr = nativeint 
The type for byte addresses.
val (+) : addr -> addr -> addr
a + off adds off to a.
val (-) : addr -> addr -> addr
a - off subracts off to a.
val offset : addr -> int -> addr
offset addr n is add + Nativeint.of_int n.
val of_int32 : int32 -> addr
of_int32 i is the address corresponding to i.
val pp_addr : Format.formatter -> addr -> unit
pp_addr ppf a prints and unspecified reprsentation of a on ppf.

Memory barriers

val wait : int -> unit
wait n waits at least n CPU cycles.
val dsb : unit -> unit
dsb () performs a data synchronization barrier. Returns when all instructions before the call are complete.
val dmb : unit -> unit
dmb () performs a data memory barrier. Ensures that all explicit memory access before the call complete before any new explicit access made after the call.
val isb : unit -> unit
isb () performs an instruction synchronization barrier. Flushes the pipeline in the processor so that all instruction following the call are fetched from cache or memory.


val get : addr -> int
get a gets the byte at address a.
val get_int : addr -> int
get_int a gets the 4 bytes starting at address a.

Warning. Truncates the value of the 32nd bit.

val get_int32 : addr -> int32
get_int32 a gets the 4 bytes starting at address a.
val get_int64 : addr -> int64
get_int64 a gets the 8 bytes starting at address a.


val set : addr -> int -> unit
set a v sets the byte at address a to v.
val set_int : addr -> int -> unit
set a v sets the 4 bytes starting at address a to v.
val set_int32 : addr -> int32 -> unit
set a v sets the 4 bytes starting at address a to v.
val set_int64 : addr -> int64 -> unit
set a v sets the 8 bytes starting at address a to v.

Masked writes

val set_bits : addr -> bits:int -> int -> unit
set_bits is like Rpi.Mem.set but only affects the bits set in bits.
val set_int_bits : addr -> bits:int -> int -> unit
masked_set_int is like Rpi.Mem.set_int but only affects the bits set in bits.
val set_int32_bits : addr -> bits:int32 -> int32 -> unit
set_int32_bits is like Rpi.Mem.set_int32 but only affects the bits set in bits.
val set_int64_bits : addr -> bits:int64 -> int64 -> unit
set_int64_bits is like Rpi.Mem.set_int64 but only affects the bits set in bits.


module Map: sig .. end
Memory maps