Index of values

(+) [Rpi.Mem]
a + off adds off to a.
(-) [Rpi.Mem]
a - off subracts off to a.

addr [Fb]

base [Rpi.Mmio]
The base ARM physical address at which memory mapped IO is available.
base [Rpi.Mem.Map]
base m is m's base address.
bpp [Fb]
buffer [Fb]
byte_length [Rpi.Mem.Map]
byte_length m is m's byte length.
bytes [Rpi.Mem.Map]
bytes a len maps len bytes starting at a.

counter [Rpi.Mtime]
counter () is a counter counting from call time on.
counter_value_us [Rpi.Mtime]
counter_value_us c is the current counter value in microseconds.

dmb [Rpi.Mem]
dmb () performs a data memory barrier.
dsb [Rpi.Mem]
dsb () performs a data synchronization barrier.

elapsed_us [Rpi.Mtime]
elapsed () is the number of microseconds elasped since boot time.

find [Rpi.Mbox.Prop]
find resp req finds the property value of req in response resp.

get [Rpi.Gpio]
get p is the current value of pin p.
get [Rpi.Mem]
get a gets the byte at address a.
get_int [Rpi.Mem]
get_int a gets the 4 bytes starting at address a.
get_int32 [Rpi.Mem]
get_int32 a gets the 4 bytes starting at address a.
get_int64 [Rpi.Mem]
get_int64 a gets the 8 bytes starting at address a.

h [Fb]

init [Rpi.Serial]
init () initializes the serial connection.
init [Fb]
int [Rpi.Mbox.Prop]
int is an integer property (parsed from an int32).
int32 [Rpi.Mbox.Prop]
int32 is an int32 property.
int32_pair [Rpi.Mbox.Prop]
int32_pair is an int32 pair property.
int32s [Rpi.Mem.Map]
int32s a len maps len int32 values starting at a.
int64 [Rpi.Mbox.Prop]
int64 is an int64 property.
int64_pair [Rpi.Mbox.Prop]
int32_pair is an int64 pair property.
int64s [Rpi.Mem.Map]
map_int64 a len maps len int64 values starting at a.
int_pair [Rpi.Mbox.Prop]
int is an integer pair property (parsed from two int32s).
isb [Rpi.Mem]
isb () performs an instruction synchronization barrier.

length [Rpi.Mem.Map]
length m is m's scalar length.

ms_to_us [Rpi.Mtime]
ms_to_us is the number of microseconds in one millisecond.

of_int32 [Rpi.Mem]
of_int32 i is the address corresponding to i.
offset [Rpi.Mem]
offset addr n is add + Nativeint.of_int n.

pp_addr [Rpi.Mem]
pp_addr ppf a prints and unspecified reprsentation of a on ppf.

r [Rpi.Mbox.Prop]
r req is an existential request for r.
read [Rpi.Mbox]
read c reads the address of channel c.
read_byte [Rpi.Serial]
read_byte () blocks until a byte becomes available on the serial connection.
req [Rpi.Mbox.Prop]
req t args resp is a property for tag t with request arguments args (defaults to []) and response property parsed with resp.

s_to_us [Rpi.Mtime]
s_to_us is the number of microseconds in one second.
send [Rpi.Mbox.Prop]
send reqs sends the list of requests reqs in the given order.
set [Rpi.Gpio]
set p v sets the value of pin p to v.
set [Rpi.Mem]
set a v sets the byte at address a to v.
set_bits [Rpi.Mem]
set_bits is like Rpi.Mem.set but only affects the bits set in bits.
set_func [Rpi.Gpio]
set p func sets the function of pin p to func.
set_int [Rpi.Mem]
set a v sets the 4 bytes starting at address a to v.
set_int32 [Rpi.Mem]
set a v sets the 4 bytes starting at address a to v.
set_int32_bits [Rpi.Mem]
set_int32_bits is like Rpi.Mem.set_int32 but only affects the bits set in bits.
set_int64 [Rpi.Mem]
set a v sets the 8 bytes starting at address a to v.
set_int64_bits [Rpi.Mem]
set_int64_bits is like Rpi.Mem.set_int64 but only affects the bits set in bits.
set_int_bits [Rpi.Mem]
masked_set_int is like Rpi.Mem.set_int but only affects the bits set in bits.
set_pull_state [Rpi.Gpio]
set p state sets the pull state of pin p to state.
sleep_us [Rpi.Mtime]
sleep_us d blocks and sleeps for d microseconds.
stride [Fb]
string [Rpi.Mbox.Prop]
string is a string of maximum length max.

try_read_byte [Rpi.Serial]
try_read_byte () is Some b a byte could be read from the serial connection and None otherwise.

unit [Rpi.Mbox.Prop]
unit is an empty property.

w [Fb]
wait [Rpi.Mem]
wait n waits at least n CPU cycles.
write [Rpi.Serial]
write s writes s on the serial connection.
write [Rpi.Mbox]
write c a writes the v to the channel c.
write_byte [Rpi.Serial]
write_byte b writes the byte b on the serial connection.
writef [Rpi.Serial]
writef fmt ... write a string formatted according to fmt on the serial connection.