HTTP service howto

This manual gets you started to connect your service to an HTTP gateway and how to let it serve files and webpages efficiently.

Define your service

In this example we use the pre-canned Webs.Http.Request.echo service which writes back requests and their bodies as 404 responses.

We use the Webs_quick.serve function, it kills a bit of boilerplate and setups a basic command line interface to run a service. The function uses the HTTP/1.1 Webs_http11_gateway gateway connector which is convenient for local testing. Create the source file:

cat - > <<EOF
open Webs

let service = Http.Request.echo
let main () = Webs_quick.serve service
let () = if !Sys.interactive then () else exit (main ())

Compile the service:

ocamlfind ocamlopt -linkpkg -thread -g -package webs,webs.cli -o min

Now run the service and check it works correctly. By default Webs_quick.serve bind localhost on the port 8000 so try:

./min --service-path /myservice/ &
curl -i http://localhost:8000/myservice/
killall min    # Once you done testing

You should get a response like:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
content-type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
content-length: 238

(method GET)
(path "")
(query <none>)
(version HTTP/1.1)
(raw-path "/myservice/")
(service-path "myservice" "")
(accept "*/*")
(host "localhost:8000")
(user-agent "curl/7.88.1")
(body <byte_reader type:application/octet-stream length:0>)

Now the Webs_http11_gateway connector used by Webs_quick.serve is not made to be run directly on the network. It's made to be used in conjunction with a gateway. See the next section for instructions on how to connect it to your gatway.

Connect the gateway

If you can't find instructions for your web server below you should be able to apply those of nginx mutatis mutandis.


We assume you are running nginx to serve the website and that you want to bind your service using as the root for requests.

Edit the configuration file of your website in /etc/nginx/sites-available/ and add the following location block:

location /myservice/ {
   proxy_http_version 1.1;
   proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;

   # If you need websockets
   proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
   proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;

There are quite a few things that can be tweaked in that proxy_pass location block, see the nginx reverse proxy manual for details.

Now reload the web server configuration. One of the following two should do.

systemctl reload nginx   # If you are using systemd
nginx -s reload          # Otherwise

Start your service. It should be connected to the interwebs over HTTPS. Try:

./min --service-path /myservice/ &
curl -i
killall min   # Once you are done testing

to see if you get a response. If not you may want to dig into nginx's error logs, for example in /var/logs/nginx or journalctl -u nginx.service.

Serving files

File serving over HTTP should correctly handle:

If your connector supports the Webs_unix.Fd.Writer custom body writer, you can use Webs_fs.send_file to serve files with your service. This takes care of these points and transmits the file with the sendfile(2) system call if available. The advantage of this approach is that it keeps your gateway configuration simple.

Alternatively most gateways let backend services handoff requests back to the gateway by writing special headers in the response. Use the function Webs_gateway.send_file for this. How to use it exactly depends on your gateway. The advantage of this approach is that it allows to take advantage of your gateway's load balancing capabilities.

These two alternatives are detailed on a simple example below.

Via the service

In this example a request for the path /assets/$FILE is looked up as the file $FILE in the file_root directory specified on the command line.

cat - > <<EOF
open Webs
let ( let* ) = Result.bind

let send_asset ~strip ~file_root request =
  let* file = Http.Request.to_absolute_filepath ~strip ~file_root request in
  Webs_fs.send_file request file

let service file_root request =
  Http.Response.result @@ match Http.Request.path request with
  | "assets" as pre :: _ -> send_asset ~strip:[pre] ~file_root request
  | _ -> Http.Response.not_found_404 ()

let main () =
  let conf = Webs_quick.conf_docroot () in
  Webs_quick.serve' ~conf service

let () = if !Sys.interactive then () else exit (main ())

Compile, run and query your service:

ocamlfind ocamlopt -linkpkg -thread -g -package webs,webs.unix,webs.cli \
                   -o min
./min --service-path /myservice/ -d /my/files &

# Ask for a file that you have in /my/files
curl -i http://localhost:8000/myservice/assets/file.txt
killall min   # Once you are done testing

Note that Webs_fs.send_file function handles the logic for etags and range requests.

Via the gateway

In this example the service runs with nginx on /myservice/ using the instructions given above and requests for the path /assets/$FILE ends up being served by the gateway as the /my/files/$FILE file.

We start adding the following to the nginx configuration:

location /myservice-files/
  alias /my/files/; # final slash is important

With this configuration internal redirects of the form /myservice-files/$FILE serve the file /my/files/$FILE. Reload the webserver configuration. One of the following two should do:

systemctl reload nginx   # If you are using systemd
nginx -s reload          # Otherwise

Now our service just captures /assets/$FILE requests and internally redirects them to /myservice-files/$FILE by using Webs_gateway.send_file with the nginx specific Webs_gateway.x_accel_redirect header.

cat - > <<EOF
open Webs
let ( let* ) = Result.bind

let send_header = Webs_gateway.x_accel_redirect
let file_root = "/myservice-files"

let send_asset ~strip ~file_root request =
  let* file = Http.Request.to_absolute_filepath ~strip ~file_root request in
  Webs_gateway.send_file ~header:send_header file

let service request =
  Http.Response.result @@ match Http.Request.path request with
  | "assets" as pre :: _ -> send_asset ~strip:[pre] ~file_root request
  | _ -> Http.Response.not_found_404 ()

let main () = Webs_quick.serve service
let () = if !Sys.interactive then () else exit (main ())

Compile, run and query your service:

ocamlfind ocamlopt -linkpkg -thread -g -package webs,webs.kit,webs.cli \
                   -o min
./min --service-path /myservice/ &

# Ask for a file that you have in /my/files
curl -i
killall min   # Once you are done testing

If your nginx gateway is configured to do so this should properly handles etags and range requests.

Serving webpages


In theory there's nothing particular to be done to serve webpages. Simply return responses with Webs.Media_type.text_html bodies. Here's an example:

cat - > <<EOF
open Webs
let ( let* ) = Result.bind

let css = "h1 { color: #1a7b1a }"
let css_href = "style.css"
let css_response request =
  let content_type = Media_type.text_css in
  Ok (Http.Response.content ~content_type Http.Status.ok_200 css)

let html = Printf.sprintf {|<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8"><title>Webpage</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%s">
<body><h1>Hello!</h1></body></html>|} css_href

let html_response request =
  let* `GET = Http.Request.allow Http.Method.[get] request in
  Ok (Http.Response.html Http.Status.ok_200 html)

let service request =
  Http.Response.result @@ match Http.Request.path request with
  | [""] -> html_response request
  | [seg] when seg = css_href -> css_response request
  | _ -> Http.Response.not_found_404 ()

let main () = Webs_quick.serve service
let () = if !Sys.interactive then () else exit (main ())

Compile and run it with:

ocamlfind ocamlopt -linkpkg -thread -g -package webs,webs.cli -o min

Now load http://localhost:8000/ in your browser, this loads the page and its asset style.css. Reload the page and notice that it does so again.

Since page assets tend to remain constants across pages and page updates this is quite wasteful in practice. A first step is to use the etag header to only transmit the body of assets when they change.

Adding etags

We tweak the previous example to add a css_version value to use as an etag and use the Webs.Http.Request.eval_if_none_match combinator to handle the conditional logic. This combinator will respond with an empty Webs.Http.Status.not_modified_304 response with the given headers if client presents an etag that matches ours. If not it returns a headers value updated with our etag which we can use to construct a response with the body.

cat - > <<EOF
open Webs
let ( let* ) = Result.bind

let css_version = "v1" (* Change that when the CSS changes *)
let css = "h1 { color: #1a7b1a }"
let css_href = "style.css"
let css_response request =
  let etag = Http.Etag.make ~weak:false css_version in
  let headers = Http.Headers.empty in
  let* headers = Http.Request.eval_if_none_match request etag ~headers in
  let content_type = Media_type.text_css in
  Ok (Http.Response.content ~headers ~content_type Http.Status.ok_200 css)

let html = Printf.sprintf {|<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8"><title>Webpage</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%s">
<body><h1>Hello!</h1></body></html>|} css_href

let html_response request =
  let* `GET = Http.Request.allow Http.Method.[get] request in
  Ok (Http.Response.html Http.Status.ok_200 html)

let service request =
  Http.Response.result @@ match Http.Request.path request with
  | [""] -> html_resposne request
  | [seg] when seg = css_href -> css_response request
  | _ -> Http.Response.not_found_404 ()

let main () = Webs_quick.serve service
let () = if !Sys.interactive then () else exit (main ())

Compile and run it with:

ocamlfind ocamlopt -linkpkg -thread -g -package webs,webs.cli -o min

Now load http://localhost:8000/ in your browser, this loads the page and its asset style.css. Reload the page. This time the browser should send back the etag and the service responds with a Webs.Http.Status.not_modified_304 which avoids resending the body. Try changing the version value, the body of style.css should be sent again in a Webs.Http.Status.ok_200 response.

Note that if you serve your page assets with files using using one of the techniques mentioned in the preceding section this logic happen automatically with etags derived from the file system metadata (details).

However this is still too chatty for loading a webpage. Assets do not change often and they can be plentiful.

Adding forever caching

One solution to get rid of all these Webs.Http.Status.not_modified_304 responses of the previous section is to version your asset URLs with a query parameter in the HTML sources and instruct clients to cache the asset responses forever.

The following code adds that logic to the previous example. The interesting bits are in css_href_versioned now used in the html source and the addition of the cache_control header to the response.

cat - > <<EOF
open Webs
let ( let* ) = Result.bind

let css_version = "v1" (* Change that when the CSS changes *)
let css = "h1 { color: #1a7b1a }"
let css_href = "style.css"
let css_href_versioned = String.concat "?" ["style.css"; css_version]
let css_response request =
  let etag = Http.Etag.make ~weak:false css_version in
  let forever = "public, max-age=31536000, immutable" in
  let headers = Http.Headers.(def cache_control) forever Http.Headers.empty in
  let* headers = Http.Request.eval_if_none_match request etag ~headers in
  let content_type = Media_type.text_css in
  Ok (Http.Response.content ~headers ~content_type Http.Status.ok_200 css)

let html = Printf.sprintf {|<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8"><title>Webpage</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%s">
<body><h1>Hello!</h1></body></html>|} css_href_versioned

let html_response request =
  let* `GET = Http.Request.allow Http.Method.[get] request in
  Ok (Http.Response.html Http.Status.ok_200 html)

let service request =
  Http.Response.result @@ match Http.Request.path request with
  | [""] -> html_response request
  | [seg] when seg = css_href -> css_response request
  | _ -> Http.Response.not_found_404 ()

let main () = Webs_quick.serve service
let () = if !Sys.interactive then () else exit (main ())

Compile and run it with:

ocamlfind ocamlopt -linkpkg -thread -g -package webs,webs.cli -o min

Now load http://localhost:8000/ in your browser, this loads the page and its asset style.css. Reload the page. This time only the webpage should reload with a Webs.Http.Status.ok_200 (note that in practice, you could also apply the techniques seen so far to the page). There should be no other request. Try changing the css_version value and the style.css shoulde be sent again with a Webs.Http.Status.ok_200.

In practice you will likely want to derive these css_version values by hashing your data during the build or at runtime, or relate them to changes in your system (e.g. a logical clock).

Note that if you use Webs_fs to serve assets it only handles the etag and range request logic, it does not provide a scheme for forever caching. You should add it yourself on its responses see the docs of Webs_fs.send_file for an example.